Booking Through Thursday – Winter Reading

And the meme this week is courtesy of Deb:

booking through thursday

The northern hemisphere, at least, is socked in by winter right now… So, on a cold, wintry day, when you want nothing more than to curl up with a good book on the couch … what kind of reading do you want to do?

That’s a question that caused me to reflect. The TBR consists of books which, several months ago, I thought I might like to read. (Stilll do!) but do I want to read them right now? I have to, because the pile is encroaching across the desk, in harmony (or perhaps discord) with a growing tide of spousian disapproval. Something Must be Done. But I do have some leverage because his dalek horde is advancing from the opposite direction and I haven’t complained… much. Mental image of daleks versus books… I think the books stand a pretty good chance.
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